Conversations about the Cainhoy Plantation development have been a hot topic in the Lowcountry, and the Lowcountry Open Land Trust wants to work with developers to make sure it becomes a “transition area between the suburbs and open land.” LOLT Executive Director Elizabeth Hagood emphasized that environment and business interests should not compete, but instead be interconnected during the planning process.
In a recent Post and Courier article Hagood explains: “It does spur additional (conservation) easements when you have a key property developed and conserved.” She also adds, “When country landowners see a large-tract neighbor trading off potential development profits to keep the land the way it is, they are more inclined to do so.” Hagood added that “while the Cainhoy Plantation happens to be in the city of Charleston’s jurisdiction, it’s in a traditional plantation area where millions of dollars already have been invested in conservation.”
The Post and Courier conducted an online survey asking “Should Cainhoy Plantation developers scale back their plans to reflect the concerns of conservationists and nearby residents?” and 78 percent answered “yes” as of Monday, January 20 at 5 p.m.
View the full article, Cainhoy Plantation, where potential clash between development, conservation looms, for more information on how LOLT is working to create transition areas at Cainhoy Plantation. Also, read a piece featuring local resident MaeRe Skinner’s point-of-view on preserving the Lowcountry.