Dear Friends,
This season, I am reflecting on the people who make Lowcountry Land Trust’s work possible—the quiet, tireless champions like Jan MacDougal, and the mavericks like Mike McShane. Both have given their time, talent and treasure to improve quality of life in the Lowcountry and beyond.
Leadership shows up in people like you, Jan, and Mike, and in a variety of actions. In this newsletter you’ll see names of people from across the community—volunteers, easement donors, and financial supporters—all of whom have made a commitment to land and water, the lifeblood of the Lowcountry. This newsletter honors all of you.
As we near the end of 2019, the staff and Board of Lowcountry Land Trust are looking to the future. We are reflecting on our work from years past, and are actively planning the next five years. What can we, as a nearly 35-year old organization, do to take conservation to the next level? How can we thoughtfully and strategically build on our success to propel the protection of land and water for future generations? How do we authentically connect our ever-growing community to land and water? How can we better serve you, our most treasured supporters? It is humbling to ponder these questions.
I look forward to sharing with you in the coming months what we come up with, and welcome your feedback.
For now, I wish to express my deep and heartfelt thanks for your generous support. You make it possible for us to put our best and brightest in the field and on the water. The results are transformative.
Thank you.
Your biggest fan,
Ashley Demosthenes
President & CEO