Please join us for our 2014 Annual Membership Picnic on Saturday, April 5th from 12:30 – 5:00 pm. The annual membership picnic will be held at Halidon Hill, located on the East Branch of the Cooper River. In 2013, 251 acres of Halidon Hill was placed under conservation easement with Lowcountry Open Land Trust.
This annual event is always a great time to catch up with neighbors and tour a Land Trust protected property. BBQ and an oyster roast will be provided by Food for the Southern Soul; activities include self-guided rice impoundment tours, cornhole, horse shoes and much more. Tickets are $30.00 for members and $40.00 for guests. To order tickets by phone, please contact Shanon Stroer or Dana Moorer at 843-577-6510. You may also purchase tickets by printing the form below and mailing it to the land trust office. We hope to see you there!
Click to print 2014 Picnic Order Form