Rescheduled: Conch Creek Cleanup

Gold Bug Island 1560 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Mt. Pleasant, SC

We invite you to join us for a cleanup at Conch Creek! Hosted in partnership with Charleston Waterkeeper and Adopt-A-Highway, we'll pick up trash along Ben Sawyer Blvd. that has made its way into the marsh. All supplies needed for the cleanup are provided! Spaces are limited, and we kindly request advance registration.   RESCHEDULED Date: Thursday, […]



Gold Bug Island 1560 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Mt. Pleasant, SC

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Lowcountry Land Trust have an upcoming volunteer opportunity at Goldbug Island in Mt. Pleasant to monitor the living shoreline oyster reef installed in spring of 2016. During this annual monitoring, TNC will be counting oyster density, measuring oyster growth, and tracking sediment accretion and marsh vegetation growth on the backside […]

Living Shoreline Monitoring

Gold Bug Island 1560 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Mt. Pleasant, SC

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has an upcoming volunteer opportunity at Goldbug Island - a property protected under easement by Lowcountry Land Trust - in Mt. Pleasant to monitor the living shoreline oyster reef installed in spring of 2016. 
