The Ebb & Flow BLOG

S.C. Conservation Bank Reauthorization Update

In collaboration with our conservation partners across the state, Lowcountry Land Trust had been working tirelessly to help ensure that the South Carolina Conservation Bank continues to remain a viable agency to secure and protect critical landscapes across the state.

If you’re new to the conversation, since its inception in 2002, nearly 300,00 acres of forestland, family farms, and historic and cultural sites have been protected across the state thanks in part to S.C. Conservation Bank. The Bank was due to “sunset” in 2018.

In mid-February, S.C. House of Representatives passed a reauthorization bill-H.4727 that has now moved on to the Senate. Check out the update from S.C. Land Trust Network. 

Most recently, Conservation Voters of South Carolina had this to say about the latest update to the reauthorization:

“Reauthorization of the Conservation Bank-H.4727- was discussed in a Senate Finance subcommittee Thursday, March 1st, where Senators Setzler, Williams, and Campbell reviewed the House bill line by line. We expect them to continue their discussion soon about how to reauthorize the Conservation Bank and continue this innovative, voluntary land protection effort.”

Our collective coalition of conservation partners and supporters will continue to keep you up to date on the status and hopeful eventual reauthorization of the South Carolina Conservation Bank.

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